Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

St. John Fisher Primary School A t St. John Fisher School, we want our pupils to understand the importance of a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. In February, every class took part in a range of activities as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. Several year groups enjoyed meditation as well as more energetic dancing. Year Six pupils chose to work a little di!erently, lying down in the hall to complete their Maths arithmetic. February also saw Hertfordshire’s Feeling Good Week, with the theme of ‘Regrown.’ Our Year Five gardening club continued their work on revitalising our "ower beds and vegetable garden. Reception Class enjoyed a welly-walk, and also planted seeds to care for and have been observing the #rst da!odils in our outside area. Wheat!elds Junior School A t Wheat#elds Junior School we aim to engage children in meaningful discussion about their skills for learning, life and work and want to inspire children to think about how their learning can apply to the real world and their future. We recently held our annual Careers Fair for Year 6. The children spent time talking to our volunteers who shared information about the work they do and how they entered into their line of work. Our parent volunteers and volunteers from the community included a GP and A&E consultant, a solutions architect, a tutor, the environment agency, a translator, an editorial solicitor, a management consultant, a psychotherapist, a solicitor, and we were also joined by Balfour Beatty construction. The children were able to connect their learning to the jobs they were hearing about and bene#tted from learning about a range of di!erent #elds that they were not necessarily aware of. 20 SPRING 2024 Education news