Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

19 SPRING 2024 Education news Wheat!elds Infants and Nursery T his term, we are incredibly proud that our !rst cohort of children to undertake the Junior Duke Award have all achieved Gold Mini Duke Awards. This is a new scheme that we have recently introduced for our Year 2 children, and it encourages the development of valuable life skills. Students gain con!dence, resilience and adaptability when embarking on the programme and by taking part in the award, the children become better equipped to deal with everyday challenges. Children love to do things without help, they simply need the time and space to explore, learn from their mistakes and to learn to be safe. Life skills The children have had great fun participating and have carried out group tasks, including washing the school windows, planning and then making sandwiches, taking part in a strategic game (our children chose Battleships), writing thank you letters, learning to play a tune on a glockenspiel, and that essential life skill - learning to make a cup of tea for other people! Mrs Debbie Carlin, one of our Learning Assistants, has led the initiative and has been instrumental in the children’s success. The children who participated have gained huge bene!ts and a second cohort of children will soon be beginning the challenge. Our Year 1 children have also been busy this term. Following numerous rehearsals, all three Year 1 classes performed brilliant productions of “The Three Billy Goats Gru"” to their very appreciative audiences, consisting of their proud parents and carers. It was wonderful to watch the children really enjoy themselves whilst performing. The songs, words and acting were delightful and brought a smile to everyone. It was lovely to see them all gaining more con!dence with their lines, singing and acting skills. Tel: 01727 851013