Three new trees planted in our open spaces

Today we planted three new trees - a Rowan in Woodland Park, a Crab Apple in William Bell Open Space and an English Oak in St Leonard's Open Space. The Oak in St Leonard's was to replace the Queen's Green Canopy tree planted back in 2021, which we sadly lost due to the drought. It was a beautiful February day for planting trees! Thank you to our lovely warden Mark Carter for all your help. 


Volunteer hedge planting Sunday 4th February

Thank you to our volunteers who planted a new wildlife supporting hedgerow in St Leonard's Open Space. Unfortunatley the original hedge was lost but we are hoping that this hedge will grow quickly provide essential habitat and food for the local birds.

New clothings bins now in Spencer Meadow, Sandridge

Residents are now about to recycle their clothes at a second location in the parish. Help keep materials out of landfill and support this worthwhile charity at the same time. 

Details below for "Playing Out in 2024"


Save the date!!!

Sandridge Parish Council is holding its summer celebration on Jersey Farm Woodland Park on Saturday 1st June. More details to follow..... but we know there will be activities, music, food, beer, family fun dog show and lots lots more!


Spaces available at Jersey Farm Day Centre

There are spaces available at the Jersey Farm Day Centre. Please see here for more details.


Proposed Climate and Ecology Bill

At Full Council on 8th November 2023, Members discussed a request of support for the Climate and Ecology Bill, due its second reading in Parliament later this month. The request to support the Bill came from an organisation called Zero Hour which is lobbying the Government to pass the Bill.

A motion drafted by Zero Hour was circulated with the agenda. It was proposed by Councillors Twidell and Lambert to show support for the motion as circulated. It was then resolved to declare support for the Climate and Ecology Bill, to inform local residents, inform the local press and to write to local MPs informing them that this motion has been passed and urge them to support the Bill or thank them for already doing so.


Hornbeam Hedgehog Sanctury are looking for your help!

If you are interested in contributing to their crowdfund to build a large pond habitat for wildlife please see the below link;

Volunteer morning at Skyswood Ancient Woodland

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers on Sunday 5th November for coming out in the autumn cold to help with essential maintenance tasks. We carrid out the following work in the woodland;

  • Hazel Coppicing
  • Bramble clearance
  • Wildflower strimming
  • After care for last years newly planted trees
  • Creating log piles for wildlife habitat 


New clothing banks located in the SPC car park, Marshalswick